For info on the Oswego Net Pens project click here
 Reports and Pics

In-Season Fishing Reports 2007

 Fishing Season Report #8                                               


     Yeah, I know it has been too long between reports, and I truly am sorry.  It is just that as we cruised into August we got busier and busier, and on many days we were on the water from 5AM till dusk.  That is one gaggle of fishing trips and my routine of awake at 3AM, fish all day, head back to my lake house to shower, eat, and sleep left little time for my web site updates. (So much to do, and so little time.)  I promise that it will not happen again.

 In 2008 we will have a personal computer on board with an internet connection that will allow us to be on line in cyber space while we have a fish on line off the stern of the Dixie Dandy.  This is going to be a very functional addition to our charter service, especially with regard to up to date weather happenings as we will be able to address specific lake conditions via access to million dollar Doppler radar real time images. The internet now becomes an integral part of our fishing arsenal. How great is that?

     Our overall fishing season was super, except on the days when winds dictated the” pro or con” movement of fish.  It is always that way on Lake Ontario as winds move the preferred water temperatures in and out, shallow and deep, making the fishing puzzle quite complex on certain days. Anyhow, we did catch plenty of fish with sensational early season brown trout fishing that segued to a terrific summer season with kings being the mainstay. Add to this numerous chunky Cohoes, and a bunch of magnificent Steelhead providing the cherry on top of the fishing sundae. The season was good. REAL GOOD!!!


Fishing Season Report #7                                               




Our 2007 fishing season continues on its merry way and on most days serves up some real fine fishing. King Salmon have moved into the area in greater numbers and these tremendously gallant creatures provide angling battles that thrill even the most experienced anglers.

On July 14th, the 1st Annual MUSTAD Challenge Team Tournament was held out of the Oswego County area.  The one day event drew 31 teams and from what I heard, a great time was had by all.  The events “radio silence” format makes it unique and certainly adds to the suspense as contestants weigh in their 6 fish limit catch to learn who the winner will be. Team Water Wolf topped the scales and took home the first place trophy. Just about all participants commented on how well the first year event was conducted and promised to return in 08. Look for more news on the 2008 event real soon.


Fishing Season Report #6                                               




As the song says….”The Beat Goes On”… Lake Ontario the angler’s theme song is “The Bite Goes On.”  Fishing remains stupendous, or spectacular, which ever you prefer. Whether it’s salmon or brown trout our 2007 season is proving to be one of the best on record. As the lake stratifies into its normal pattern of horizontal temperature layers, the fish hang in their preferred water temperature range and cooperate nicely when the chosen lure presentation passes by. It is this stratified water that allows us to target a specific area, and stay in the “bite” zone. The abundance of chubby bait fish is providing a healthy dose of growth energy with the result being bigggg fish. Want to catch a big one? A really big one???? Come fish with us.

Fishing Season Report #5                                            




The absolutely colossal brown trout fishing continues to impress even the most seasoned anglers. 2007, has so far proven to be one of the most productive seasons in the last ten years. To make matters even better, the abundance of bait fish provides plenty of energy that translates to big fish. It is great to be a Lake Ontario troller, especially this year. Want to catch a big one?  Give us a call.


Fishing Season Report #4                                            




Fishing out of Oswego, NY, we continue to put together great catches of traditional Lake Ontario “football” brown trout. These bruisers are getting bigger by the day as they feed on the plentiful supply of energy rich plump alewives. They make one little mistake, just one, and they are captured aboard the Dixie Dandy. Keep them, or release them, it is your choice. Keep in mind that our Lake Ontario fish stocking program is based upon a put, grow and take, methodology.

It is shaping up to be a fishing season dominated by big salmon and trout. You can catch them if you hop aboard the Dixie Dandy.


Fishing Season Report #3                                


The Spinella Family

Bill, Rich & Rich  Wayne's Steelhead  Roger's Trout 

      Amazing Lake Ontario is up to her old tricks once again, providing another spring, filled with outstanding fishing opportunities. Shoreline fishing for brown trout is off to a great start with limit catches almost every time out. Further offshore, salmon are becoming more abundant with each passing day. Already this year we see brown trout growth, as the smaller footballs continue to inflate after gorging themselves on the tons of alewives that swim in their path

The salmon and trout that are currently housed in the Oswego net pens are getting bigger and bigger. In a matter of days these fish will be towed out into the lake for release and the beginning of their free range life cycle. Net pens have certainly proven to be an efficient stocking method as is evidenced by the improved fishing since their introduction.

It certainly is amazing!



Fishing Season Report #2                                    


The Ford's early season trout.

Net Pens Dixie Dandy at the dock.

      We are on the water and I am happy to say that our first few trips have been very, very good.  We have been fishing the shoreline from the Oswego River east to just past 4 mile point. Brown trout have been extremely cooperative along with a few chunky rainbows mixed in. The water is warming and we expect fishing to continue to be great. There is nice color to the water and that makes things even better. As we had expected, our early season catches clearly indicate that 2007 fishing should be very special indeed. Plenty of baitfish will provide the energy necessary to produce some truly bulging brownies. Things are looking good, real good.

Call us if you want to partake of some productive May fishing. We have a few days open.

     Our Oswego net pens are filled with chinooks and steelhead. They were delivered April 14th. Volunteers are busy tending the pens and feeding the fish several times a day.

The net pen program has proven to be a very effective method of growing bigger, healthier fish. Ah yes, the future is bright.


2007 Season Report #1                                    


     Even though, as I write this update, it is miserably cold and still snowing, it will not be long till the Dixie Dandy is in the water and fully rigged for the 2007 fishing season. Today I finished the bottom paint trim and even painted the bilge area platform between the two engines. The power plants have been tuned, and general spring maintenance is complete. Keeping her ship shape is the only way to go.

     It looks like we will be in the water early next week. Then I will reinstall the electronics, load my generous assortment of tackle on board, and motor the Dixie Dandy out for a shakedown cruise or two, weather permitting.  Once I complete those tasks, I run the boat some 13 miles to the Oswego Marina where she will remain till the end of September.

     Fishing out of Oswego offers several advantages to both my customers and me. The Oswego area translates to short runs to quality fishing waters. Short runs equate to more time actually spent fishing. Off Oswego, the early season fishing is enhanced by the tremendous flow of the Oswego River as it pours into Lake Ontario. The River brings plenty of warmer, nutrient rich water into the lake. Early season inshore fishing is enhanced by the warm, murky tributary run off, making for some great light tackle brown trout action. As the season progresses we take advantage of the bottom contour of the Oswego area that drops down about 100 feet per mile. Head out 3 miles and you are trolling in 300 fee of water. Again, as the lake warms and fish follow the bait to cooler, deeper waters short runs are still the norm, meaning more time with lines in the water. Having fished the south shore of the lake for many years, I can tell you that Oswego fishing is at the top of the chart.

     Oswego net pens will be in the water shortly, with the salmon and trout to be delivered on or about April 13th. Volunteers are standing at the ready to raise the critters to optimum stocking size in hopes of maximizing their survival rate when released into Lake Ontario depths. If you are in the area in the next few weeks stop by and watch the feeding exercise. These little guys have big appetites. I am sure any of the volunteers would be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

     One of my favorite times of the year starts when boats are rolled from the dark confines of winter storage shelters, to await spring primping activity under the sometimes early season sun lit sky. Old friends return, new friends are made and another wonderful fishing season starts to roll. It is a good life and I am darn lucky to be a part of it.


     Several years ago I attended a Lake Ontario fishery meeting about the status of the fishery. As the meeting progressed I was shocked to learn that not all in attendance had the same fishing interests. My jaw just about hit the floor when a person told how he could care less about the trout and salmon fishery. He wanted better perch fishing. This wasn’t an ogre looking guy with green hair and a persistent drool; no, he looked like me, except for the green hair.

     What I am attempting to point out is that within our sporting community there are many differing factions with many different interests and desires. I like to troll; well actually I love to troll. I would not go fly fishing ever. Not interested in it, think it is boring and would never shop at Orvis. (Just kidding)  Bass fishing is not for me, but you could get me to throw out a worm and bobber, sit back with my feet propped up and a cool one standing by. Sometimes one fishing faction will get ”in the face” of another, causing rifts that have a tendency to divide. It is this division that can be exploited. This could be the case with proponents of catch and release and catch and eat. One should not be favored over the other. Both should be considered as acceptable fishing philosophies.

     Now one thing is for sure, while there are many ways to fish and many opinions on which is most revered, the common denominator is that it all falls under the category of fishing. If you are a fisherperson, (politically correct terminology) who cares about your method of choice. Anglers are what we are! We practice our sport in many different ways, but when you take off our boots we all are the same. (Sort of).

     That is how we must defend and look to improve various fisheries. It is a series of give and take gestures that are based on sound fishery management science. A dab or two of emotion is OK, however, science based decisions must prevail. Want to keep fishing a sport as we know it today? Then look at the whole picture! Be an angler first!


more reports and pics