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Reports and Pics

In-Season Fishing Reports

In Season Report #9                                                                     



As the salmon season progressed into September, fishing for staging kings remained quite productive as evidenced by the photos. Kings were good size and provided great action for our anglers. With the 2008 egg take harvest achieving target goals look for more great fishing when that latest crop of predators make their triumphant return. All in all the Oswego area once again served up some of the best fishing on the lake.  

In Season Report #








This past weekend some boats gottum and some boats didn’t gottum.  Basically the king bite was good in places, and not so good in others. So if you were in the right place you were happy, if you were in the wrong place, well, it was time for a role of “tums”. This week should see more good salmon fishing, weather permitting. Not much lake time left so get out there before all the kings hit the rivers.


In Season Report #7                                                                     






Right now I am fishing every day and since I like to sleep a bit I tend to get behind on my updates. Anyway here are the latest photos. We caught some chunky salmon and some really nice browns. You bet it is great to be a Lake Ontario troller.


In Season Report #6                                                                     




As the inshore waters warm we have moved to the 40 to 80 foot depths and big browns are cooperating. However before we moved out Bud Maxwell nailed a nice brown in the Harbor. Best fish in the past week was a 16 lb. football brown caught by Dan King. As summer approaches the browns are gaining weight rapidly as alewives become more abundant in Oswego waters. Oswego is providing some wonderful fishing adventure. .

In Season Report #5                                                                     




Wow it has been cold out on the water. So much for our global warming ploy. While the temps have been cool, the fishing has been warm to hot. The brown trout get bigger by the day and they have cooperated to our liking. Billy and his daughter Tia show off their hefty browns. Tia’s fish was nearly 12 pounds and Dad’s was close to 11. Sheephead are biting in the harbor waters and put up a really good battle. It is hard to beat the good fishing out of the Port of Oswego.

In Season Report #




The 08 fishing season has started off in grand fashion. Pot bellied browns have been plentiful with some nice steelhead and king salmon mixed in. Basically we have been fishing east of Oswego around 4 mile point and in front of the nuke complex. We have found it very rewarding to start fishing early. The early bird not only catches the worm, he also catches plenty of fish.

These photos show some nice browns and a couple of sizeable steelies. Guess which steelhead just entered the lake from a tributary flow. By the way, the walleye tipped the scales at nearly 12 pounds.

In Season Report #




I read my camera instructions, reviewed my “How To Catch Brown Trout” book and set out to catch fish and take good photos. We did pretty well in both departments. As the trout feast on bait such as alewives and gobies they sure do grow fast. You can see that we landed some nice fish especially after west wind blew in some warm stained water. Notice the last photo  ---  I guess I need to read the camera book again...


In Season Report #2                                                           




     I goofed and did not take photos of Skip Vezzetti and gang, sorry Skip. Continued to goof with a blurry photo of young Nick and a real nice 11 pound Brown. I did not goof when I took the photo of Dan and a real nifty 8 pound steelie." No paparazzo here.


In Season Report #1                                               




Our first 3 trips were spent trolling for Lake Ontario Eastern Basin brown trout. We had plenty of success as chunky brown trout chased and eventually caught up with our lures and ate them. Smithwick  Rouges , Fishlanders, and Michigan Stingers were our lures of choice on our recent charters. Calm Lake Ontario waters provided some great shallow water trolling east of the Oswego Harbor all the way to 4 Mile Point.  Our desire for a change of scenery took us to the Nine Mile Point Nuclear plant’s buoy line for our Sunday outing. We landed some real nice brown trout including a couple just under 10 pounds. THE 2008 LAKE ONTARIO FISHING SEASON IS OFF TO A GREAT START!!!! Stay tuned or post a comment at

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